Saturday, April 23, 2011

Soap Box

According to a study by the Pew Research Group, this generation of youth are the least involved in religion than any other.  At first I was shocked by this, then I got to thinking about all of the so called influences they have in their lives right now and I was just saddened.

I was watching Hannity the other night and they were talking about a new song by Lady Gaga called Judas and one lady said that this song didn't mean she wasn't a Christian it was just to sell records and make money.  Here are a few of the lyrics from the song...

In the most Biblical sense,
I am beyond repentance
Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind
But in the cultural sense
I just speak in future tense
Judas kiss me if offensed,
Or wear ear condom next time

I wanna love you,
But something's pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue,
Judas is the demon I cling to

I was appalled when I read the lyrics to this song and can I tell you how many kids I have heard talking about how much they love Lady Gaga's music?!? 

A few lyrics from another one of her songs...

No matter gay, straight, or bi,
Lesbian, transgendered life
I'm on the right track baby
I was born to survive

We wonder why kids this generation are less into religion than any other generation?? 

I teach 6th grade Sunday School at my church and we have been talking about defending your faith and knowing how to defend your faith.  First you have to know what you believe in!!  I hear people say, "well I don't really pay attention to the words I just like the beat" or "I don't like that singer as a person I just like the beat of the music"  I am going to be the first to tell you, you can't listen to a song without hearing the words of the song.  I had a song stuck in my head the other day and I don't even know where I heard it from and don't even remember hearing it that day, but at some point I had heard it and got it stuck in my head, it wasn't a bad song, but the point is you are going to hear the words whether you think so or not.

You may think the music you listen to doesn't affect you, it's just music, it's just words.  Well when you get this stuck in your head and then you start to think, well that isn't what the bible says but she is singing about Jesus so maybe she is right.  Where do we draw the line??

I heard a kid tell me the other day that a certain singer was a christian because they prayed before their concerts.  Well their music doesn't reflect God at all!!

It's not just the music we listen to, it's also the movies you watch.  It is really sad how kids movies now have cussing and sexual innuendo in them, why is that even neccessary?!?  The movie HOP has the playboy mansion in it, seriously??  The movie Soul Surfer did not have one single cuss word or sexual innuendo or drinking or anything, they even quoted scripture, it was still very dramatic with out all the other stuff!!

I was watching on CBS last night a tribute to women country singers and one got up and sang and one part of the song said "I am hell on heels and I have done made a deal with the devil" I almost turned the channel but I didn't for some reason and I'm glad I didn't.  The next lady they honored was Carrie Underwood she sang How Great Thou Art.

This was on national tv.  I bet you she wasn't thinking last night if I sing, some trashy song I will sell records and have lots of fans.  Awesome song, I was in tears during and after hearing this.  Her voice is amazing & this just goes to show you that you can honor God with the gifts and the talents He has given you & you don't have to compromise what you believe in to make money or sell records!!! 

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